House of VA is a media company created by Victor Abarca and based in New York City. The reason of House of VA is to provide a closer approach between clients, producers and other creators.
House of VA is different from Victor Abarca?
Yes. House of VA is the higher project from Victor Abarca but it is made possible thanks to a team of professionals. It include from podcasts, the YouTube channel and also new projects that we are really excited to show to the world.
Is House of VA a talent agency with influencers?
No, we aren’t an influencer agency or network.
But if you are a content creator and you want to work with House of VA contact us. We are always looking new ways to collaborate and create meaningful content between brands and storytellers.
Is House of VA an advertisement agency?
We prefer to call ourselves a production company. Doers. Do we do ads? Yes.
Do we produce content for other companies?
How can I work for House of VA?
Check out our social media and also send us an email with your portfolio. We are growing and we need people with vision, creativity and heart.